15 September 2006

I just finished Anne of Green Gables, and though I have read it many times before, this time it seemed funnier and more thought provoking than any other time. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I am at the end of growing up and she was just beginning. Looking back on things always makes them more clear then when you are going through them. I can understand many of the ways she is feeling for I have felt them itensely. She says that growing up isn't as exciting as she expected, and I must agree. Growing up brings so many more questions. It proves what your parents have been telling you all your life that you will never know everything. It is really quite sad to think the older you get the less you will know, or maybe the right way to say that is the older you get the more you will know about the world and see how little you know about the world. I think that is confusing, but I am not sure how else to say it.

It seems like I am in a writing stage because I am writing a lot more than I ussually do. Don't expect this to become the norm. It will probably only last until the Immersion program starts then I will probably stop writing, but you never know.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

yea i've been thinking about the weirdness of that lately too. the more you know, the less you feel you know.