07 February 2007

So I have been thinking about my generation a lot. And how we are different from previous generations and how is the best way to influence this generation. So I thought you know this generation is a transitional generation. We are right between when there was no technology and now it is all over the place. Because of this we have a different look on life then previous generations just like every new generation. We see everything with skepticism and distrust. We ache for friendship, but even friendships are made with caution, and we always leave a way out.
Life doesn't really mean anything to us. We go through life with the attitude "What ever happens, happens. We expect to get hurt so we put up walls and look out for number one all the while trying to have fun. We have observed how other generations have searched for meaning, and we watched them fail. We know that pleasure, work, family, religion, politics, friends, and everything else previous generations have depended on doesn't work. Our philosophy is if we live life protecting ourselves and having fun we won't get hurt to badly, and we will have fun along the way.
We despise anything or anyone who says they have the answers because we are not looking for 'the answers'. We are looking for truth. Something we can put our faith in that won't prove to be a lie like everything else. Something that is our not our parent's, or even our older brothers and sisters, or our pastor's/youth pastor's but ours. We aren't willing to just take what others tell us is true. We need to discover it for ourselves.
Yes, I believe there is a revolution/revival coming because we are ready, but it won't be like anything the church has ever seen. This is a new generation so we need a new wine skin. We won't be able to use the technics from the Jesus Movement or the Great Awakening or any other revival in history. I am not sure what this will look like or when we will discover it, but it will fit tis generation and its need.
Don't be blind to the pains of this genereation. It needs a comforting, gentle, personal gosple that is not afraid of telling the truth or has the appearance of obligation. The Good News need to have life. True life flowing out of it not just rules or the appearance of perfection. This generation needs to see people like them who hurt, cry, hate, desire death, want freedom, are confused, MUST I GO ON? This generation isn't looking for perfection. They are looking for reallity, and through being real with our problem and struggles we can show the world that there is hope and relief. We must tell the world the truth. Freedom doesn't come without a price like so many Christians claim. True salvation cost everything!
So to reach this generation, we need to stop caring so much about reaching them, and start caring for them as people who hurt, who bleed, who are searching, who want friends, true friend who don't hide behind masks. It is by living like Jesus with love and acceptance of each individual, and showing them that you care about what is going on deeper than the surface appearence. Showing them that you are going to love them no matter what they do or say.
Jesus didn't hide anything. He didn't use little booklets or cute phrases. He was just himself. He said strong, convicting things not out of obligation but because he loved them. He hung out with people not to get a convert but because he was having fun. He didn't hang out with the 'religious people'. He hung out with the messed up, hurting, poor, loud, obnoxious, selfish people. He was patient and understanding towards everyone except the religious leaders. Those who found their identity in how good they were. Those who were blind to their own mistakes.
So what does this have to do with this generation, our generation? I am not completely sure, Maybe just that we need to get rid of the idea that Christians have to always end up perfect. The idea that inorder to reach the world we have to be drastically different. To be honest, I think in order to reach our generation, we have to be ourselves in whatever that means. We can't live trying to please others, Christians or non-Christians because people see through that. Live as Jesus would have YOU live not your best friend, not your mom, not your dad, not your pastor/youth leader, YOU! Study the Bible on your own. Discover your own truths because only then can you truly live. And only when you are truly living can you show life to our generation.
So these are just a few of the thoughts that have been racing, then sitting, then slowly meandering through my mind. There are many more but they haven't found there way on to paper yet. :)

1 comment:

jacki said...

Wow! That is so good and true! You have sent me on yet another path of deep thoughts.