04 August 2006

I do it purposely so I can never be perdicted.
Sometimes I write one post right after each other sometimes it takes days, weeks, months, years ok so that is a little exagerated but you get the idea.

This little post is going to be written because I want to let everyone who reads this (which I think is Jennifer) how awesome God is.

How you can trust Him with everything even things you can't trust yourself with. He is pretty awesome.

So lately I have been trying to make a lot of decisions. Like whether I should keep working where I am or get a new job. And whether I want to lead HC. And a few others which are forbidden to be spoken of.

But God has been very present in my life during this time, and showing me how I need to trust completely in him. That these desisions have to made in his timing and his way or they will not happen. Actually Isaac just wrote about the HouseChurch thing on his blog, and it express the way I have been feeling very well. Its hard to know what to do when you know what would be the right thing to do, but really don't like that option. BUT God has a plan and if we follow that then all things will work out for good.


I P said...

"I read it too .. it's just u never update it

Sacha said...

Oh Marie-
What great thoughts you put down! I like what you said about it being "hard to know what to do when you know what would be the right thing to do, but don't really like that option."
I am totally walking through that right now too! I will be praying for ya, as God walks you through this!