29 November 2006


Dear me, what to think? What to say?

Life is nothing more than an open book.

What will I write?

Will anyone read it?
Oh, the beauty of words!

They express beauty and pain

They are more than scratches of letters on a page.
True words!
Words of life!

The soul speaks but subtlety
Hide, hide away deeply
No one will read it!
But to live if no one read?
Hidden words
Lying words

You will never know
Truth or lies?
Will you read me?
With gentleness?
Ah no, ussually not!

You will hurt me
Not understand me
Not want to understand

I give up!
Please be gentle
I will open my book
I will let you read

I have closed you out long enough

Please , come close
Accept my words
Accept me!